Background I am still keen to work in the City, I firmly believe that it is within the power of financial institutions to change our current course with regard to climate disruption. I have over 20 years' of experience in financial and legal institutions in senior communication, relationship management and marketing roles. My most recent role was as Strategic Partnership Lead for Nest, the Government's auto-enrolment pension scheme, which has given me a deep insight into responsible investment, member communication and stakeholder management in the public sector.
When to contact me Contact me whenever you like, a chat online or over coffee about this stuff is always a pleasure to me. But more specifically:
When you need to communicate with external audiences regarding sustainability and want the outcome to be pro-environment behavioural change.
When you're setting your communication and marketing strategy for the year ahead.
When you're developing promotional materials for your business and don't want people to turn away at the mention of climate change.
I'll need to charge money for my time at some point, and I'm very comfortable talking about that too.